Answering Business Questions for an Online Music Store using SQL

I use intermediate SQL techniques like views, joins, aggregations, and set operations in order to solve 4 scenarios about a hypothetical online music store. Results are communicated with Matplotlib and Altair visualizations.

Migs Germar


July 31, 2021

Unsplash | Clay Banks


The Chinook database by Luis Rocha and Brice Lambson is a sample database about a hypothetical digital media store called Chinook. This store sells individual music tracks online, similar to iTunes. The database contains tables covering various aspects of the company, such as the employees, customers, invoices, tracks, albums, and artists.

The schema below, which was designed by Dataquest, lists the columns under each table. Columns connected by lines contain matching information.

Image from Dataquest Guided Project: Answering Business Questions Using SQL

The matching columns allow us to perform joins on these tables. Thus, we are able to answer more complicated questions about the data.

In our hypothetical scenario, the Chinook company has requested us to answer the following business questions:

  • What are the best-selling music genres with regards to USA customers? Based on this, which new albums should be purchased for the Chinook store?
  • Which of Chinook’s sales support agents has the highest total sales from their assigned customers? Can the exemplary performance of these employees be explained by any information in the database?
  • What are the statistics on the customers and sales for each country where Chinook offers its service?
  • How many purchases are full albums, and how many are selected sets of tracks? Based on this, what strategy should Chinook adopt when buying new tracks from record companies?

SQL will be used to answer all of these questions. Matplotlib and Altair will also be used to produce helpful visualizations.


I wrote this notebook by following a guided project on the Dataquest platform, specifically the Guided Project: Answering Business Questions Using SQL. The general project flow and research questions came from Dataquest. However, the text and code here are written by me unless stated otherwise.


Install the necessary packages.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import altair as alt

Connect to the database using SQLite.

%load_ext sql
%sql sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
'Connected: @private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db'


Tables and Views

First, we’ll inspect the tables and views available in the chinook.db database.

  • Tables contain columns of data. Each column has a different name and data type.
  • Views do not contain data. Instead, these are pre-written SQL queries which show a transformation of existing data. Thus, it can be called a “virtual table.” (Sławińska 2020)
FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type IN ("table", "view")
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
name type
album table
artist table
customer table
employee table
genre table
invoice table
invoice_line table
media_type table
playlist table
playlist_track table
track table
usa_track_purchases view
usa_genre_sales view
agent_customer view
agent_stats view
country_invoices view
country_customers view
country_labels view
country_avg_order view
country_stats view
invoice_tracks_bought view
invoice_album view
invoice_full_album_tracks view
invoice_purchase_type view
purchase_type_proportion view

Originally, there were only 11 tables and 0 views in the database. The views listed above are ones which I made throughout this project. I will show how I created these views in later sections.

For now, let’s inspect the customer table, as we will be using it to answer most of the company’s business questions.

FROM customer
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
customer_id first_name last_name company address city state country postal_code phone fax email support_rep_id
1 Luís Gonçalves Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2170 São José dos Campos SP Brazil 12227-000 +55 (12) 3923-5555 +55 (12) 3923-5566 3
2 Leonie Köhler None Theodor-Heuss-Straße 34 Stuttgart None Germany 70174 +49 0711 2842222 None 5
3 François Tremblay None 1498 rue Bélanger Montréal QC Canada H2G 1A7 +1 (514) 721-4711 None 3
4 Bjørn Hansen None Ullevålsveien 14 Oslo None Norway 0171 +47 22 44 22 22 None 4
5 František Wichterlová JetBrains s.r.o. Klanova 9/506 Prague None Czech Republic 14700 +420 2 4172 5555 +420 2 4172 5555 4

Each row in this table contains data on a different customer of Chinook. Each customer has a unique customer ID and an assigned support representative from Chinook. The support rep’s employee ID is stored in the support_rep_id column. The other columns contain information on the customer’s name, occupation, location, and contact details.


All names and personal details in the Chinook database are fictitious and randomly generated. Public use of this database is not a breach of data privacy.

Best-Selling Music Genres in the USA

In our first scenario, Chinook has signed a deal with a new record company, so its tracks can now be put up for sale on the Chinook store. The record company has 4 albums so far; below are the artist names and their genres.

  • Regal (Hip-Hop)
  • Red Tone (Punk)
  • Meteor and the Girls (Pop)
  • Slim Jim Bites (Blues)

However, Chinook would like to spread its releases over time, so it will only add 3 albums to the store. Thus, we have to determine the best-selling genres on the store. Furthermore, since the record company would like to target a USA audience, we can narrow our analysis to Chinook’s USA customers.

First, we create a view called usa_track_purchases. This will show the genre, track name, unit price, and quantity bought for each of the invoice lines of USA customers.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS usa_track_purchases;

CREATE VIEW usa_track_purchases AS
        il.invoice_line_id AS invoice_line_id, AS genre, AS track_name,
        il.unit_price AS unit_price,
        il.quantity AS quantity
    FROM customer AS c
        invoice AS iv
        ON iv.customer_id = c.customer_id
        invoice_line AS il
        ON il.invoice_id = iv.invoice_id
        track AS t
        ON t.track_id = il.track_id
        genre AS g
        ON g.genre_id = t.genre_id
    WHERE = "USA"

FROM usa_track_purchases
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
invoice_line_id genre track_name unit_price quantity
1 Rock Right Next Door to Hell 0.99 1
2 Rock Dust N' Bones 0.99 1
3 Rock Live and Let Die 0.99 1
4 Rock Don't Cry (Original) 0.99 1
5 Rock Perfect Crime 0.99 1
6 Rock You Ain't the First 0.99 1
7 Rock Bad Obsession 0.99 1

By querying the view above, we will create another view, usa_genre_sales. This will contain the following specific information about each genre:

  • Number of tracks sold
  • Percentage of tracks sold
  • Total sales in US dollars
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS usa_genre_sales;

CREATE VIEW usa_genre_sales AS
        SUM(quantity) AS number_sold,
        --Get the quantity per genre and divide it by the total quantity of USA purchases.
            CAST(SUM(quantity) AS Float)
            / CAST(
                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usa_track_purchases)
                AS Float
            * 100.0,
        ) AS percentage_sold,
            SUM(unit_price * CAST(quantity AS Float)),
        ) AS total_sales
    FROM usa_track_purchases
    GROUP BY genre
    ORDER BY number_sold DESC, total_sales DESC
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
%%sql result <<
FROM usa_genre_sales
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
Returning data to local variable result
usa_genre_df = result.DataFrame()
genre number_sold percentage_sold total_sales
0 Rock 561 53.38 555.39
1 Alternative & Punk 130 12.37 128.70
2 Metal 124 11.80 122.76
3 R&B/Soul 53 5.04 52.47
4 Blues 36 3.43 35.64
5 Alternative 35 3.33 34.65
6 Latin 22 2.09 21.78
7 Pop 22 2.09 21.78
8 Hip Hop/Rap 20 1.90 19.80
9 Jazz 14 1.33 13.86
10 Easy Listening 13 1.24 12.87
11 Reggae 6 0.57 5.94
12 Electronica/Dance 5 0.48 4.95
13 Classical 4 0.38 3.96
14 Heavy Metal 3 0.29 2.97
15 Soundtrack 2 0.19 1.98
16 TV Shows 1 0.10 0.99

We can make a bar graph from this result in order to communicate findings better.

        x = alt.X("genre:N", title = "Music Genre", sort = "-y"),
        y = alt.Y("percentage_sold:Q", title = "Percentage of All Purchases in the USA"),
        color = alt.Color("total_sales:Q", title = "Total Sales (USD)"),
        tooltip = usa_genre_df.columns.tolist(),
        title = "Popularity of Music Genres with Chinook's USA Customers",
        height = 300,
        width = 600,
        labelAngle = 30,

One can hover over each bar in the chart above for a tooltip with more specific information.

Results show that Rock is the best-selling music genre as it makes up 53% of total purchases in the USA. Rock is followed by the Alternative & Punk and Metal genres, which each make up over 10% of purchases.

On a side note, the total_sales column’s values are very close to that of the number_sold column. This can be explained by the fact that track prices range from USD 0.99 to USD 1.99.

    MIN(unit_price) AS min_price,
    MAX(unit_price) AS max_price
FROM track
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
min_price max_price
0.99 1.99

Since there is little variation among track prices, the genre with the most units sold is usually also the genre with the highest sales.

Going back to the scenario at hand, we need to compare the statistics on the Hip-Hop, Punk, Pop, and Blues genres. We will run a query for this below.

FROM usa_genre_sales
WHERE genre IN ("Hip Hop/Rap", "Alternative & Punk", "Pop", "Blues")
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
genre number_sold percentage_sold total_sales
Alternative & Punk 130 12.37 128.7
Blues 36 3.43 35.64
Pop 22 2.09 21.78
Hip Hop/Rap 20 1.9 19.8

The result above shows that Alternative & Punk, Blues, and Pop are the three best-selling genres out of the four. Notably, Alternative & Punk makes up 12.37% of all purchases in the USA.

Therefore, we would recommend the Chinook administration to add the albums of Red Tone (Punk), Slim Jim Bites (Blues), and Meteor and the Girls (Pop) to the digital store. The album of Regal (Hip-Hop) has lower priority and can be added at a later date.

Sales Support Agent Performance

Next, Chinook is requesting us to evaluate the performance of its sales support agents. Each customer is assigned to an agent after their first purchase. Since there are only 3 agents, each agent provides support to many customers. Details about the agents are shown in the query below.

FROM employee
WHERE title = "Sales Support Agent"
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
employee_id last_name first_name title reports_to birthdate hire_date address city state country postal_code phone fax email
3 Peacock Jane Sales Support Agent 2 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2017-04-01 00:00:00 1111 6 Ave SW Calgary AB Canada T2P 5M5 +1 (403) 262-3443 +1 (403) 262-6712
4 Park Margaret Sales Support Agent 2 1947-09-19 00:00:00 2017-05-03 00:00:00 683 10 Street SW Calgary AB Canada T2P 5G3 +1 (403) 263-4423 +1 (403) 263-4289
5 Johnson Steve Sales Support Agent 2 1965-03-03 00:00:00 2017-10-17 00:00:00 7727B 41 Ave Calgary AB Canada T3B 1Y7 1 (780) 836-9987 1 (780) 836-9543

Since we have data on each customer’s purchases, we can calculate the total purchases associated with each support agent. We can then use this to compare the performance of the agents.

First, we create a view called agent_customer by joining the employee table with the customer table based on the support representative ID. We will include some extra details about each agent, such as their birthdate and hire date. We won’t include their location since we know that they are all in Calgary, AB, Canada. As for the customers, we will include their customer ID, name, and total purchases as the sum of their invoices.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS agent_customer;

CREATE VIEW agent_customer AS
        e.employee_id AS agent_id,
        e.first_name || " " || e.last_name AS agent_name,
        e.birthdate AS agent_bd,
        e.hire_date AS agent_hire_date,
        c.customer_id AS customer_id,
        c.first_name || " " || c.last_name AS customer_name,
        SUM( AS customer_total_purchases
    FROM employee AS e
        customer AS c
        ON c.support_rep_id = e.employee_id
        invoice AS iv
        ON iv.customer_id = c.customer_id
    WHERE e.title = "Sales Support Agent"
    GROUP BY c.customer_id
    ORDER BY agent_id, customer_id
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
%%sql result <<
FROM agent_customer
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
Returning data to local variable result
agent_customer_df = result.DataFrame()
agent_id agent_name agent_bd agent_hire_date customer_id customer_name customer_total_purchases
0 3 Jane Peacock 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2017-04-01 00:00:00 1 Luís Gonçalves 108.90
1 3 Jane Peacock 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2017-04-01 00:00:00 3 François Tremblay 99.99
2 3 Jane Peacock 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2017-04-01 00:00:00 12 Roberto Almeida 82.17
3 3 Jane Peacock 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2017-04-01 00:00:00 15 Jennifer Peterson 66.33
4 3 Jane Peacock 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2017-04-01 00:00:00 18 Michelle Brooks 79.20

Next, we will query this view in order to determine the following information about each agent:

  • number of customers
  • total sales from the agent’s customers
  • percentage of all agents’ sales
  • average sales per customer
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS agent_stats;

CREATE VIEW agent_stats AS
        COUNT(customer_id) AS number_customers,
        ) AS sales_number,
            / (SELECT SUM(customer_total_purchases) FROM agent_customer)
            * 100,
        )AS sales_percentage,
        ) AS average_per_customer
    FROM agent_customer
    GROUP BY agent_id

FROM agent_stats
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
agent_id agent_name agent_bd agent_hire_date number_customers sales_number sales_percentage average_per_customer
3 Jane Peacock 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2017-04-01 00:00:00 21 1731.51 36.77 82.45
4 Margaret Park 1947-09-19 00:00:00 2017-05-03 00:00:00 20 1584.0 33.63 79.2
5 Steve Johnson 1965-03-03 00:00:00 2017-10-17 00:00:00 18 1393.92 29.6 77.44

At first glance, Jane Peacock seems like the best-performing agent since Chinook got the highest total sales from her customers (USD 1731.51). This idea is cast into doubt when it is mentioned that she had the highest number of customers (21).

Also, the differences among the average sales per customer is quite small. Each of Jane’s customers spends 3 more dollars on Chinook than each of Margaret’s. Each of Margaret’s customers spends 2 more dollars on Chinook than each of Steve Johnson’s.

The average sales per customer may also be influenced by outliers, as shown by the boxplot below.

        y = alt.Y("customer_total_purchases:Q", title = "Customer Total Purchases"),
        x = alt.X("agent_name:N", title = "Agent Name"),
        title = "Distribution of Customer Purchases by Sales Support Agent",
        height = 300,
        width = 500,

If we hover over each of the boxes above, we can get more information such as minimum, 1st quartile, median, etc. The median is less influenced by outliers, so we can look at that. The median values are 79.20 (Jane), 77.72 (Margaret), and 75.74 (Steve). These values are still very close to each other.

Therefore, we cannot conclusively state that any agent performs better than the others.

Sales Data by Country

Next, Chinook is requesting us to analyze sales in each country where it offers its service. Specifically, they would like to know the:

  • total number of customers
  • total value of sales
  • average sales per customer
  • average order value
    • Every order is a batch purchase of multiple tracks.

Furthermore, since there are some countries in the database with only one customer, we shall group these customers together under a category called “Other”, which must appear at the very bottom of our final result.

First, we will create a view, country_invoices, which shows all invoices and the country of the customer.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS country_invoices;

CREATE VIEW country_invoices AS
    SELECT AS country,
        c.customer_id AS customer_id,
        c.first_name || " " || c.last_name AS customer_name,
        iv.invoice_id AS invoice_id, AS order_value
    FROM customer AS c
        invoice AS iv
        ON iv.customer_id = c.customer_id

FROM country_invoices
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
country customer_id customer_name invoice_id order_value
Brazil 1 Luís Gonçalves 16 8.91
Brazil 1 Luís Gonçalves 77 5.9399999999999995
Brazil 1 Luís Gonçalves 149 8.91
Brazil 1 Luís Gonçalves 153 13.86
Brazil 1 Luís Gonçalves 182 5.9399999999999995

Then, we will create a view, country_customers, which shows the total purchases per customer.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS country_customers;

CREATE VIEW country_customers AS
        SUM(order_value) AS customer_total_purchase
    FROM country_invoices
    GROUP BY customer_id

FROM country_customers
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
country customer_id customer_name customer_total_purchase
Brazil 1 Luís Gonçalves 108.89999999999998
Germany 2 Leonie Köhler 82.17
Canada 3 François Tremblay 99.99
Norway 4 Bjørn Hansen 72.27000000000001
Czech Republic 5 František Wichterlová 144.54000000000002

We will then create a view called country_labels. It will show the number of customers per country. Countries with only 1 customer will be given a label of “Other”.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS country_labels;

CREATE VIEW country_labels AS
        COUNT(customer_id) AS number_customers,
            WHEN COUNT(customer_id) > 1 THEN country
            ELSE "Other"
            END AS country_label,
            WHEN COUNT(customer_id) > 1 THEN 0
            ELSE 1
            END AS is_other
    FROM country_customers
    GROUP BY country

FROM country_labels
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
country number_customers country_label is_other
Argentina 1 Other 1
Australia 1 Other 1
Austria 1 Other 1
Belgium 1 Other 1
Brazil 5 Brazil 0
Canada 8 Canada 0
Chile 1 Other 1
Czech Republic 2 Czech Republic 0
Denmark 1 Other 1
Finland 1 Other 1

We will also create a view called country_avg_order which simply shows the average order value per country. This will be done by querying the country_invoices view.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS country_avg_order;

CREATE VIEW country_avg_order AS
        AVG(civ.order_value) AS avg_order_value
    FROM country_invoices AS civ
        country_labels AS cl
        ON =
    GROUP BY cl.country_label

FROM country_avg_order
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
country_label avg_order_value
Brazil 7.011147540983605
Canada 7.047236842105264
Czech Republic 9.107999999999999
France 7.781400000000001
Germany 8.161463414634145
India 8.72142857142857
Other 7.44857142857143
Portugal 6.3837931034482756
USA 7.942671755725194
United Kingdom 8.768571428571429

Finally, we will create a view called country_stats that shows all of the 4 statistics that were requested by the Chinook management. The “Other” entry will be forced to the bottom of the query result using the is_other column we created in the country_labels view.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS country_stats;

CREATE VIEW country_stats AS
        COUNT(c.customer_id) AS number_customers,
        ROUND(SUM(c.customer_total_purchase), 2) AS total_sales,
        ROUND(AVG(c.customer_total_purchase), 2) AS avg_sales_customer,
        ROUND(a.avg_order_value, 2) AS avg_order_value
    FROM country_customers AS c
        country_labels AS l
        ON =
        country_avg_order AS a
        ON a.country_label = l.country_label
    GROUP BY l.country_label
        l.is_other ASC,
        total_sales DESC
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
%%sql result <<
FROM country_stats
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
Returning data to local variable result
country_stats_df = result.DataFrame()
country_label number_customers total_sales avg_sales_customer avg_order_value
0 USA 13 1040.49 80.04 7.94
1 Canada 8 535.59 66.95 7.05
2 Brazil 5 427.68 85.54 7.01
3 France 5 389.07 77.81 7.78
4 Germany 4 334.62 83.66 8.16
5 Czech Republic 2 273.24 136.62 9.11
6 United Kingdom 3 245.52 81.84 8.77
7 Portugal 2 185.13 92.57 6.38
8 India 2 183.15 91.58 8.72
9 Other 15 1094.94 73.00 7.45

We can make a scatter plot with the data above in order to make results more clear.

# Exclude the "Other" entry.
main_df = country_stats_df.loc[country_stats_df["country_label"] != "Other"]

# Base layer.
base = (
    .mark_point(size = 300) # Set default size of points to 300 pixels.
        x = alt.X("number_customers:Q", title = "Number of Customers"),
        y = alt.Y("total_sales:Q", title = "Total Sales (USD)"),

# Scatter plot layer.
points = base.encode(
    color = alt.Color("avg_sales_customer:Q", title = "Average Sales per Customer (USD)"),
    tooltip = country_stats_df.columns.tolist(),

# Text layer.
text = (
    .mark_text( # Move text to the top left of each point.
        align = "right",
        dy = -5,
        dx = -20,
        text = "country_label:N"

# Combine layers.
chart = (
    (points + text)
        title = "Chinook Sales by Country",
        height = 300,
        width = 700,

# Display chart.

Looking at the top right of the chart, we can see that the USA has the highest number of Chinook customers (13), as well as the highest total sales (USD 1040.49). All of the other countries have only 2 to 8 customers.

On the other hand, the Czech Republic has the highest average sales per customer at USD 136.62; this is indicated by its dark color in the chart. This country also had the highest average order value at USD 9.11. This means that though the country has few customers, these people are avid buyers of music.

Chinook may benefit from marketing its service more aggressively in countries other than the USA where it has gained a good foothold, such as Canada, Brazil, and France. Chinook may also target the Czech Republic since the customers there seem to buy a lot of music on a per-person basis.

Comparing Purchase Types: Full Album vs Selected Sets

In our last scenario, we have been requested to compare the popularities of Chinook’s two purchase types:

  • Full album
    • The customer buys a full album.
    • Albums are pre-defined in Chinook’s library. The customer may not add other tracks on top of an album.
  • Selected set of tracks
    • The customer manually selects any number of individual tracks.

In both cases, each track is bought at its unit price; there are no discounts.

Currently, Chinook’s purchasing strategy is to buy full albums from record companies. However, Chinook doesn’t know whether full album purchases are popular among its customers. If selected sets are more popular, then Chinook may switch to a new strategy in which it will only buy the most popular individual tracks from record companies.

Our analysis will help Chinook make the final decision. For each purchase type, we will show the number of invoices and percentage of all invoices with that type. The type with the higher number will be the more popular one.

First, we create a view, invoice_tracks, that shows all tracks under each invoice. The album associated with each track is also shown.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS invoice_tracks_bought;

CREATE VIEW invoice_tracks_bought AS
        iv.invoice_id AS invoice_id,
        il.track_id AS track_id, AS track_name,
        t.album_id AS album_id,
        a.title AS album_name
    FROM invoice AS iv
        invoice_line AS il
        ON il.invoice_id = iv.invoice_id
        track AS t
        ON t.track_id = il.track_id
        album AS a
        ON a.album_id = t.album_id
    ORDER BY invoice_id, track_id, album_id

FROM invoice_tracks_bought
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
invoice_id track_id track_name album_id album_name
1 1158 Right Next Door to Hell 91 Use Your Illusion I
1 1159 Dust N' Bones 91 Use Your Illusion I
1 1160 Live and Let Die 91 Use Your Illusion I
1 1161 Don't Cry (Original) 91 Use Your Illusion I
1 1162 Perfect Crime 91 Use Your Illusion I
1 1163 You Ain't the First 91 Use Your Illusion I
1 1164 Bad Obsession 91 Use Your Illusion I

Then, we create a view called invoice_album, which shows only the album associated with the first track of each invoice. This way, there is only one row per invoice. We will also include the total purchase amount of each invoice so that we can use it later.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS invoice_album;

CREATE VIEW invoice_album AS 
        itb.invoice_id AS invoice_id,
        MIN(itb.album_id) AS album_id,
        itb.album_name AS album_name, AS total_purchase
    FROM invoice_tracks_bought AS itb
        invoice AS iv
        ON iv.invoice_id = itb.invoice_id
    GROUP BY itb.invoice_id
    ORDER BY itb.invoice_id

FROM invoice_album
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
invoice_id album_id album_name total_purchase
1 91 Use Your Illusion I 15.84
2 20 The Best Of Buddy Guy - The Millenium Collection 9.9
3 203 A-Sides 1.98
4 58 Come Taste The Band 7.92
5 163 From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah [live] 16.83

Then, we join invoice_album with the track table in order to list all of the tracks under the album associated with each invoice. The result will be a view called invoice_full_album_tracks.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS invoice_full_album_tracks;

CREATE VIEW invoice_full_album_tracks AS
        t.track_id AS track_id, AS track_name
    FROM invoice_album AS ia
        track AS t
        ON t.album_id = ia.album_id
    ORDER BY invoice_id, album_id, track_id

FROM invoice_full_album_tracks
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
invoice_id album_id album_name total_purchase track_id track_name
1 91 Use Your Illusion I 15.84 1158 Right Next Door to Hell
1 91 Use Your Illusion I 15.84 1159 Dust N' Bones
1 91 Use Your Illusion I 15.84 1160 Live and Let Die
1 91 Use Your Illusion I 15.84 1161 Don't Cry (Original)
1 91 Use Your Illusion I 15.84 1162 Perfect Crime

The invoice_full_album_tracks view looks very similar to the invoice_tracks_bought view at first glance. However, there is a difference:

  • invoice_tracks_bought
    • It contains the tracks bought in each invoice.
    • Each set of tracks may or may not be a full album.
  • invoice_full_album_tracks
    • It contains all of the tracks under one album associated with an invoice.
    • Some of these tracks may not have been bought by the customer.

Next, we will create a new view called invoice_purchase_type which indicates whether each invoice is a “Full Album” or “Selected Set” purchase.

In order to determine this, we will have a CASE statement which can be explained as follows:

  • WHEN clause: If the set of tracks bought and the full album are exactly the same, mark the purchase type as “Full Album”.
  • ELSE clause: Otherwise, mark the purchase type as “Selected Set”.

Inside the WHEN clause, we have a rather complicated-looking set of operations. Let’s look at one part:

    SELECT itb.track_id
    FROM invoice_tracks_bought AS itb
    WHERE itb.invoice_id = ia.invoice_id


    SELECT ifa.track_id
    FROM invoice_full_album_tracks AS ifa
    WHERE ifa.invoice_id = ia.invoice_id

In order to make the explanation more simple, we can call the subqueries above “set 1” and “set 2”.

    {set 1}


    {set 2}
  • Set 1 represents all tracks bought in one invoice.
  • Set 2 represents the full set of tracks in an album associated with the invoice.
  • Via EXCEPT and IS NULL, we check whether Set 1 is a subset of Set 2.
    • If it is, the result is True.
    • Otherwise, False.

We then repeat the same process but in reverse, to check if Set 2 is a subset of Set 1. We thus end up with two boolean values, and we use the AND operator on these.

    {set 1}


    {set 2}


    {set 2}


    {set 1}

The purpose of AND is to determine the following.

  • If both conditions are True:
    • The two sets of tracks match exactly.
    • The invoice is a “Full Album” purchase.
  • If any condition is False:
    • The two sets of tracks do not match exactly.
    • The invoice is a “Selected Set” purchase.

The full query is shown below.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS invoice_purchase_type;

CREATE VIEW invoice_purchase_type AS
            WHEN (

                    SELECT itb.track_id
                    FROM invoice_tracks_bought AS itb
                    WHERE itb.invoice_id = ia.invoice_id


                    SELECT ifa.track_id
                    FROM invoice_full_album_tracks AS ifa
                    WHERE ifa.invoice_id = ia.invoice_id
                ) IS NULL


                    SELECT ifa.track_id
                    FROM invoice_full_album_tracks AS ifa
                    WHERE ifa.invoice_id = ia.invoice_id


                    SELECT itb.track_id
                    FROM invoice_tracks_bought AS itb
                    WHERE itb.invoice_id = ia.invoice_id
                ) IS NULL

            ) THEN "Full Album"
            ELSE "Selected Set"
            END AS purchase_type,
        ia.total_purchase AS total_purchase
    FROM invoice_album AS ia

FROM invoice_purchase_type
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
invoice_id purchase_type total_purchase
1 Full Album 15.84
2 Selected Set 9.9
3 Selected Set 1.98
4 Selected Set 7.92
5 Full Album 16.83
6 Selected Set 1.98
7 Selected Set 10.89
8 Selected Set 9.9
9 Selected Set 8.91
10 Selected Set 1.98

With the view above, we can finally answer the question being asked. A view called purchase_type_proportion will be created which shows the following information per purchase type:

  • number of invoices
  • percentage of invoices
  • average sales per invoice
  • sales in USD
  • percentage of total sales
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS purchase_type_proportion;

CREATE VIEW purchase_type_proportion AS
        COUNT(purchase_type) AS type_count,
            CAST(COUNT(purchase_type) AS Float)
            / CAST(
                (SELECT COUNT(purchase_type)
                 FROM invoice_purchase_type)
                AS Float
            * 100,
        ) AS type_percentage,
        ) AS avg_sales_per_invoice,
        ) AS sales_number,
            / (SELECT SUM(total_purchase)
               FROM invoice_purchase_type)
            * 100,
        ) AS sales_percentage
    FROM invoice_purchase_type
    GROUP BY purchase_type
    ORDER BY type_count DESC
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
%%sql result <<
FROM purchase_type_proportion
 * sqlite:///private/2021-07-31-Intermediate-SQL-Files/chinook.db
Returning data to local variable result
purchase_type_df = result.DataFrame()
purchase_type type_count type_percentage avg_sales_per_invoice sales_number sales_percentage
0 Selected Set 500 81.43 6.50 3248.19 68.97
1 Full Album 114 18.57 12.82 1461.24 31.03

The type_percentage column shows that the majority (81%) of all Chinook invoices are Selected Sets. Full Album purchases only make up 19% of all invoices.

This is shown in the pie chart below.

colors = sns.color_palette('pastel')[:2]

    x = purchase_type_df["type_percentage"],
    labels = purchase_type_df["purchase_type"],
    colors = colors,
    autopct = "%0.2f%%",

plt.title("Proportion of Chinook Store Invoices by Purchase Type")

However, the average sales per Full Album purchase is almost twice that of a Selected Set purchase. This is shown in the bar chart below.

# Base layer with bar chart
base = (
        x = alt.X("purchase_type:N", title = "Purchase Type"),
        y = alt.Y("avg_sales_per_invoice:Q", title = "Average Sales per Invoice (USD)"),
        tooltip = purchase_type_df.columns.tolist(),

# Text layer
text = (
        align = "center",
        dy = 10,
        color = "white",
        text = "avg_sales_per_invoice:Q",

# Combine layers into one chart
chart = (
    (base + text)
        title = "Average Sales per Invoice by Purchase Type",
        height = 300,
        width = 200,
    .configure_axis(labelAngle = 30)

# Display chart.

Full Albums cost more than Selected Sets because the former tend to have more tracks. Thus, even if Full Albums only represent 19% of all invoices, these also represent 31% of all dollar sales. This is shown in the pie chart below.

    x = purchase_type_df["sales_percentage"],
    labels = purchase_type_df["purchase_type"],
    colors = colors,
    autopct = "%0.2f%%",

plt.title("Proportion of Chinook Store Sales by Purchase Type")

Overall, though, Selected Sets still represent the majority of Chinook’s invoices (81%) and sales (69%). Therefore, we recommend that Chinook shift to a new purchasing strategy in which it only buys the most popular tracks from record companies. Chinook should not buy full albums since it is less likely for customers to purchase these.


In this project, we used intermediate SQL techniques to answer business questions for a hypothetical digital media store called Chinook. We solved a total of 4 scenarios by creating views and gradually working towards a final query. We also ended each scenario with a chart that communicates our findings more engagingly.

Below is a summary of all of the questions and our findings.

What are the best-selling music genres with regards to USA customers? Based on this, which new albums should be purchased for the Chinook store?

Rock is the best-selling music genre as it makes up 53% of total purchases in the USA. Rock is followed by the Alternative & Punk genre and Metal genre, which each make up over 10% of purchases.

Among the 4 new albums which may be added to the digital store, we recommend the following 3 artists’ albums: Red Tone (Punk), Slim Jim Bites (Blues), and Meteor and the Girls (Pop).

Which of Chinook’s sales support agents has the highest total sales from their assigned customers? Can the exemplary performance of these employees be explained by any information in the database?

Sales support agent Jane Peacock has the highest total sales (37% of all sales) from her customers. She also has the highest average sales per customer (USD 82).

However, her statistics are only slightly higher than that of her colleagues. Therefore, we cannot conclusively say that she is the best-performing agent.

What are the statistics on the customers and sales for each country where Chinook offers its service?

The USA has the highest number of Chinook customers (13), as well as the highest total sales (USD 1040.49). All of the other countries have only 2 to 8 customers.

We recommend marketing Chinook more aggressively in Canada, Brazil, and France since these countries have the highest number of customers after the USA. We also recommend expanding into the Czech Republic since it has a high average value of sales per customer.

How many purchases are full albums, and how many are manually selected sets of tracks? Based on this, what strategy should Chinook adopt when buying new tracks from record companies?

Selected Sets account for 81% of all invoices and 69% of total sales. Therefore, these are more popular than Full Albums.

Thus, we recommend that Chinook buy only the most popular tracks from record companies. This would be more cost-effective than buying full albums.

That concludes this project. Thanks for reading!