Employee Exit Survey Data Cleaning and Aggregation

I use intermediate Pandas techniques in cleaning and analyzing employee exit surveys from Australian government institutes.

Migs Germar


June 1, 2021

Unsplash | Kon Karampelas


This project deals with messy data from employee exit surveys from 2 government institutions in Queensland, Australia:

  • Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE)
  • Technical and Further Education (TAFE)

The project aims to determine what percentage of the resignees was dissatisfied with work:

  • based on age group
  • based on career stage

On the technical side, this project is intended to showcase the use of several intermediate Pandas techniques for data cleaning and manipulation, including vectorized methods, mapping functions across data, dropping rows and columns, and combining DataFrames.


I wrote this notebook for the Dataquest course’s Guided Project: Clean and Analyze Employee Exit Surveys. The general project flow and research questions came from Dataquest. However, all of the text and code here are written by me unless stated otherwise.

Package Installs

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Data Overview

TAFE Survey

The TAFE employee exit survey data can be found here.

Unfortunately, the CSV file itself is no longer available on the Australian government’s websites, so I used a copy that I downloaded from Dataquest.


Below is information about the TAFE columns.

tafe = pd.read_csv("./private/2021-06-01-EES-Files/tafe_survey.csv")

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 702 entries, 0 to 701
Data columns (total 72 columns):
 #   Column                                                                                                                                                         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                                                                                                                                                         --------------  -----  
 0   Record ID                                                                                                                                                      702 non-null    float64
 1   Institute                                                                                                                                                      702 non-null    object 
 2   WorkArea                                                                                                                                                       702 non-null    object 
 3   CESSATION YEAR                                                                                                                                                 695 non-null    float64
 4   Reason for ceasing employment                                                                                                                                  701 non-null    object 
 5   Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector                                                                                                              437 non-null    object 
 6   Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector                                                                                                             437 non-null    object 
 7   Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment                                                                                                            437 non-null    object 
 8   Contributing Factors. Ill Health                                                                                                                               437 non-null    object 
 9   Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family                                                                                                                         437 non-null    object 
 10  Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction                                                                                                                          437 non-null    object 
 11  Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction                                                                                                                      437 non-null    object 
 12  Contributing Factors. Interpersonal Conflict                                                                                                                   437 non-null    object 
 13  Contributing Factors. Study                                                                                                                                    437 non-null    object 
 14  Contributing Factors. Travel                                                                                                                                   437 non-null    object 
 15  Contributing Factors. Other                                                                                                                                    437 non-null    object 
 16  Contributing Factors. NONE                                                                                                                                     437 non-null    object 
 17  Main Factor. Which of these was the main factor for leaving?                                                                                                   113 non-null    object 
 18  InstituteViews. Topic:1. I feel the senior leadership had a clear vision and direction                                                                         608 non-null    object 
 19  InstituteViews. Topic:2. I was given access to skills training to help me do my job better                                                                     613 non-null    object 
 20  InstituteViews. Topic:3. I was given adequate opportunities for personal development                                                                           610 non-null    object 
 21  InstituteViews. Topic:4. I was given adequate opportunities for promotion within %Institute]Q25LBL%                                                            608 non-null    object 
 22  InstituteViews. Topic:5. I felt the salary for the job was right for the responsibilities I had                                                                615 non-null    object 
 23  InstituteViews. Topic:6. The organisation recognised when staff did good work                                                                                  607 non-null    object 
 24  InstituteViews. Topic:7. Management was generally supportive of me                                                                                             614 non-null    object 
 25  InstituteViews. Topic:8. Management was generally supportive of my team                                                                                        608 non-null    object 
 26  InstituteViews. Topic:9. I was kept informed of the changes in the organisation which would affect me                                                          610 non-null    object 
 27  InstituteViews. Topic:10. Staff morale was positive within the Institute                                                                                       602 non-null    object 
 28  InstituteViews. Topic:11. If I had a workplace issue it was dealt with quickly                                                                                 601 non-null    object 
 29  InstituteViews. Topic:12. If I had a workplace issue it was dealt with efficiently                                                                             597 non-null    object 
 30  InstituteViews. Topic:13. If I had a workplace issue it was dealt with discreetly                                                                              601 non-null    object 
 31  WorkUnitViews. Topic:14. I was satisfied with the quality of the management and supervision within my work unit                                                609 non-null    object 
 32  WorkUnitViews. Topic:15. I worked well with my colleagues                                                                                                      605 non-null    object 
 33  WorkUnitViews. Topic:16. My job was challenging and interesting                                                                                                607 non-null    object 
 34  WorkUnitViews. Topic:17. I was encouraged to use my initiative in the course of my work                                                                        610 non-null    object 
 35  WorkUnitViews. Topic:18. I had sufficient contact with other people in my job                                                                                  613 non-null    object 
 36  WorkUnitViews. Topic:19. I was given adequate support and co-operation by my peers to enable me to do my job                                                   609 non-null    object 
 37  WorkUnitViews. Topic:20. I was able to use the full range of my skills in my job                                                                               609 non-null    object 
 38  WorkUnitViews. Topic:21. I was able to use the full range of my abilities in my job. ; Category:Level of Agreement; Question:YOUR VIEWS ABOUT YOUR WORK UNIT]  608 non-null    object 
 39  WorkUnitViews. Topic:22. I was able to use the full range of my knowledge in my job                                                                            608 non-null    object 
 40  WorkUnitViews. Topic:23. My job provided sufficient variety                                                                                                    611 non-null    object 
 41  WorkUnitViews. Topic:24. I was able to cope with the level of stress and pressure in my job                                                                    610 non-null    object 
 42  WorkUnitViews. Topic:25. My job allowed me to balance the demands of work and family to my satisfaction                                                        611 non-null    object 
 43  WorkUnitViews. Topic:26. My supervisor gave me adequate personal recognition and feedback on my performance                                                    606 non-null    object 
 44  WorkUnitViews. Topic:27. My working environment was satisfactory e.g. sufficient space, good lighting, suitable seating and working area                       610 non-null    object 
 45  WorkUnitViews. Topic:28. I was given the opportunity to mentor and coach others in order for me to pass on my skills and knowledge prior to my cessation date  609 non-null    object 
 46  WorkUnitViews. Topic:29. There was adequate communication between staff in my unit                                                                             603 non-null    object 
 47  WorkUnitViews. Topic:30. Staff morale was positive within my work unit                                                                                         606 non-null    object 
 48  Induction. Did you undertake Workplace Induction?                                                                                                              619 non-null    object 
 49  InductionInfo. Topic:Did you undertake a Corporate Induction?                                                                                                  432 non-null    object 
 50  InductionInfo. Topic:Did you undertake a Institute Induction?                                                                                                  483 non-null    object 
 51  InductionInfo. Topic: Did you undertake Team Induction?                                                                                                        440 non-null    object 
 52  InductionInfo. Face to Face Topic:Did you undertake a Corporate Induction; Category:How it was conducted?                                                      555 non-null    object 
 53  InductionInfo. On-line Topic:Did you undertake a Corporate Induction; Category:How it was conducted?                                                           555 non-null    object 
 54  InductionInfo. Induction Manual Topic:Did you undertake a Corporate Induction?                                                                                 555 non-null    object 
 55  InductionInfo. Face to Face Topic:Did you undertake a Institute Induction?                                                                                     530 non-null    object 
 56  InductionInfo. On-line Topic:Did you undertake a Institute Induction?                                                                                          555 non-null    object 
 57  InductionInfo. Induction Manual Topic:Did you undertake a Institute Induction?                                                                                 553 non-null    object 
 58  InductionInfo. Face to Face Topic: Did you undertake Team Induction; Category?                                                                                 555 non-null    object 
 59  InductionInfo. On-line Topic: Did you undertake Team Induction?process you undertook and how it was conducted.]                                                555 non-null    object 
 60  InductionInfo. Induction Manual Topic: Did you undertake Team Induction?                                                                                       555 non-null    object 
 61  Workplace. Topic:Did you and your Manager develop a Performance and Professional Development Plan (PPDP)?                                                      608 non-null    object 
 62  Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace promote a work culture free from all forms of unlawful discrimination?                                                    594 non-null    object 
 63  Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace promote and practice the principles of employment equity?                                                                 587 non-null    object 
 64  Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace value the diversity of its employees?                                                                                     586 non-null    object 
 65  Workplace. Topic:Would you recommend the Institute as an employer to others?                                                                                   581 non-null    object 
 66  Gender. What is your Gender?                                                                                                                                   596 non-null    object 
 67  CurrentAge. Current Age                                                                                                                                        596 non-null    object 
 68  Employment Type. Employment Type                                                                                                                               596 non-null    object 
 69  Classification. Classification                                                                                                                                 596 non-null    object 
 70  LengthofServiceOverall. Overall Length of Service at Institute (in years)                                                                                      596 non-null    object 
 71  LengthofServiceCurrent. Length of Service at current workplace (in years)                                                                                      596 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(2), object(70)
memory usage: 395.0+ KB

The formatting is different because some column names are apparently too long. However, we can see that:

  • There are 702 rows and 72 columns.
  • A few columns contain decimals, and most contain text.
  • Many of the columns have missing values.

Dataquest notes a few columns in this dataset:

  • Record ID: An id used to identify the participant of the survey”
  • Reason for ceasing employment: The reason why the person’s employment ended”
  • LengthofServiceOverall. Overall Length of Service at Institute (in years): The length of the person’s employment (in years)”

Additionally, there are groups of columns that all start with the same name. These group names are:

  • Contributing Factors
  • Institute Views
  • Work Unit Views
  • Induction Info
  • Workplace

Currently, there are too many columns for analysis. However, since the Contributing Factors columns are directly related to the employee’s resignation, we could just keep those and remove the other 4 groups of columns.

Descriptive Statistics

Below are descriptive statistics for the columns.

    include = "all",
    datetime_is_numeric = True,
Record ID Institute WorkArea CESSATION YEAR Reason for ceasing employment Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment Contributing Factors. Ill Health Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family ... Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace promote a work culture free from all forms of unlawful discrimination? Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace promote and practice the principles of employment equity? Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace value the diversity of its employees? Workplace. Topic:Would you recommend the Institute as an employer to others? Gender. What is your Gender? CurrentAge. Current Age Employment Type. Employment Type Classification. Classification LengthofServiceOverall. Overall Length of Service at Institute (in years) LengthofServiceCurrent. Length of Service at current workplace (in years)
count 7.020000e+02 702 702 695.000000 701 437 437 437 437 437 ... 594 587 586 581 596 596 596 596 596 596
unique NaN 12 2 NaN 6 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 9 5 9 7 7
top NaN Brisbane North Institute of TAFE Non-Delivery (corporate) NaN Resignation - - - - - ... Yes Yes Yes Yes Female 56 or older Permanent Full-time Administration (AO) Less than 1 year Less than 1 year
freq NaN 161 432 NaN 340 375 336 420 403 411 ... 536 512 488 416 389 162 237 293 147 177
mean 6.346026e+17 NaN NaN 2011.423022 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
std 2.515071e+14 NaN NaN 0.905977 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
min 6.341330e+17 NaN NaN 2009.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
25% 6.343954e+17 NaN NaN 2011.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
50% 6.345835e+17 NaN NaN 2011.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
75% 6.348005e+17 NaN NaN 2012.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
max 6.350730e+17 NaN NaN 2013.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

11 rows × 72 columns

Some text columns appear to have values that only contain a single hyphen (-); these will have to be investigated later.

DETE Survey

The DETE employee exit survey can be found here. The copy used in this project is a slightly modified version downloaded from Dataquest for convenience. It is still complete in terms of the number of entries.


Below are the column names and types.

dete = pd.read_csv("./private/2021-06-01-EES-Files/dete_survey.csv")

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 822 entries, 0 to 821
Data columns (total 56 columns):
 #   Column                               Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------                               --------------  ----- 
 0   ID                                   822 non-null    int64 
 1   SeparationType                       822 non-null    object
 2   Cease Date                           822 non-null    object
 3   DETE Start Date                      822 non-null    object
 4   Role Start Date                      822 non-null    object
 5   Position                             817 non-null    object
 6   Classification                       455 non-null    object
 7   Region                               822 non-null    object
 8   Business Unit                        126 non-null    object
 9   Employment Status                    817 non-null    object
 10  Career move to public sector         822 non-null    bool  
 11  Career move to private sector        822 non-null    bool  
 12  Interpersonal conflicts              822 non-null    bool  
 13  Job dissatisfaction                  822 non-null    bool  
 14  Dissatisfaction with the department  822 non-null    bool  
 15  Physical work environment            822 non-null    bool  
 16  Lack of recognition                  822 non-null    bool  
 17  Lack of job security                 822 non-null    bool  
 18  Work location                        822 non-null    bool  
 19  Employment conditions                822 non-null    bool  
 20  Maternity/family                     822 non-null    bool  
 21  Relocation                           822 non-null    bool  
 22  Study/Travel                         822 non-null    bool  
 23  Ill Health                           822 non-null    bool  
 24  Traumatic incident                   822 non-null    bool  
 25  Work life balance                    822 non-null    bool  
 26  Workload                             822 non-null    bool  
 27  None of the above                    822 non-null    bool  
 28  Professional Development             808 non-null    object
 29  Opportunities for promotion          735 non-null    object
 30  Staff morale                         816 non-null    object
 31  Workplace issue                      788 non-null    object
 32  Physical environment                 817 non-null    object
 33  Worklife balance                     815 non-null    object
 34  Stress and pressure support          810 non-null    object
 35  Performance of supervisor            813 non-null    object
 36  Peer support                         812 non-null    object
 37  Initiative                           813 non-null    object
 38  Skills                               811 non-null    object
 39  Coach                                767 non-null    object
 40  Career Aspirations                   746 non-null    object
 41  Feedback                             792 non-null    object
 42  Further PD                           768 non-null    object
 43  Communication                        814 non-null    object
 44  My say                               812 non-null    object
 45  Information                          816 non-null    object
 46  Kept informed                        813 non-null    object
 47  Wellness programs                    766 non-null    object
 48  Health & Safety                      793 non-null    object
 49  Gender                               798 non-null    object
 50  Age                                  811 non-null    object
 51  Aboriginal                           16 non-null     object
 52  Torres Strait                        3 non-null      object
 53  South Sea                            7 non-null      object
 54  Disability                           23 non-null     object
 55  NESB                                 32 non-null     object
dtypes: bool(18), int64(1), object(37)
memory usage: 258.6+ KB

ID contains integers, whereas all other columns either contain text or booleans. Also, many of the columns have missing values.

There are 822 rows (employees) and 56 columns (survey questions). Dataquest describes a few notable columns as follows:

  • ID: An id used to identify the participant of the survey”
  • SeparationType: The reason why the person’s employment ended”
  • Cease Date: The year or month the person’s employment ended”
  • DETE Start Date: The year the person began employment with the DETE”

Also, if we look closely, we can see that many of the columns in the DETE dataset match columns in the TAFE dataset. For example:

print("TAFE Columns")

print("\nDETE Columns")
TAFE Columns
['Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector ', 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector ', 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment', 'Contributing Factors. Ill Health', 'Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family', 'Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction', 'Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction', 'Contributing Factors. Interpersonal Conflict', 'Contributing Factors. Study', 'Contributing Factors. Travel', 'Contributing Factors. Other', 'Contributing Factors. NONE']

DETE Columns
['Career move to public sector', 'Career move to private sector', 'Interpersonal conflicts', 'Job dissatisfaction', 'Dissatisfaction with the department', 'Physical work environment', 'Lack of recognition', 'Lack of job security', 'Work location', 'Employment conditions', 'Maternity/family', 'Relocation', 'Study/Travel', 'Ill Health', 'Traumatic incident', 'Work life balance', 'Workload', 'None of the above']

These two sets of columns represent the “Contributing Factors” group in each survey. These are some of the columns that we want to keep for analysis; this will be addressed in data cleaning later.

Descriptive Statistics

We can view descriptive statistics for all columns below.

    include = "all",
    datetime_is_numeric = True,
ID SeparationType Cease Date DETE Start Date Role Start Date Position Classification Region Business Unit Employment Status ... Kept informed Wellness programs Health & Safety Gender Age Aboriginal Torres Strait South Sea Disability NESB
count 822.000000 822 822 822 822 817 455 822 126 817 ... 813 766 793 798 811 16 3 7 23 32
unique NaN 9 25 51 46 15 8 9 14 5 ... 6 6 6 2 10 1 1 1 1 1
top NaN Age Retirement 2012 Not Stated Not Stated Teacher Primary Metropolitan Education Queensland Permanent Full-time ... A A A Female 61 or older Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
freq NaN 285 344 73 98 324 161 135 54 434 ... 401 253 386 573 222 16 3 7 23 32
mean 411.693431 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
std 237.705820 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
min 1.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
25% 206.250000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
50% 411.500000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
75% 616.750000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
max 823.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

11 rows × 56 columns

The Cease Date, DETE Start Date, and Role Start Date columns are interesting because these are in text format and some of the values are "Not Stated".

Also, based on counts of non-null values shown earlier, some columns have many missing values. These will have to be addressed in data cleaning.

Data Cleaning

Placeholders for Missing Values

Earlier, we noticed that some columns in the DETE data contain “Not Stated” values. These are likely to be placeholders for missing data.

Therefore, we can replace all “Not Stated” values with np.nan null values.

dete = dete.replace("Not Stated", np.nan)

Dropping Columns

In the TAFE dataset, there are 4 other big groups of columns other than Contributing Factors:

  • Institute Views
  • Work Unit Views
  • Induction Info
  • Workplace

We want to remove these columns in order to limit the columns in our dataset to the most relevant ones. This is done below.

tafe = tafe.drop(
    labels = tafe.columns[17:66],
    axis = 1,

['Record ID',
 'Reason for ceasing employment',
 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector ',
 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector ',
 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment',
 'Contributing Factors. Ill Health',
 'Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family',
 'Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction',
 'Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction',
 'Contributing Factors. Interpersonal Conflict',
 'Contributing Factors. Study',
 'Contributing Factors. Travel',
 'Contributing Factors. Other',
 'Contributing Factors. NONE',
 'Gender. What is your Gender?',
 'CurrentAge. Current Age',
 'Employment Type. Employment Type',
 'Classification. Classification',
 'LengthofServiceOverall. Overall Length of Service at Institute (in years)',
 'LengthofServiceCurrent. Length of Service at current workplace (in years)']

There are now only 23 columns in the TAFE dataset.

Earlier, in the Data Overview, we mentioned that DETE has similar columns to the ones in TAFE. For example, look at the columns from indices 28 to 48:

Index(['Professional Development', 'Opportunities for promotion',
       'Staff morale', 'Workplace issue', 'Physical environment',
       'Worklife balance', 'Stress and pressure support',
       'Performance of supervisor', 'Peer support', 'Initiative', 'Skills',
       'Coach', 'Career Aspirations', 'Feedback', 'Further PD',
       'Communication', 'My say', 'Information', 'Kept informed',
       'Wellness programs', 'Health & Safety'],

These are equivalent to the TAFE columns under the Institute Views, Work Unit Views, Induction Info, and Workspace groups. We don’t need these groups since the Contributing Factors group is directly related to the reason why the employees resigned.

Thus, we will remove the columns shown above from the DETE dataset.

dete = dete.drop(
    axis = 1,


Matching Columns in TAFE and DETE

Below are some important columns in TAFE and DETE which have matching information.

DETE Survey TAFE Survey
ID Record ID
SeparationType Reason for ceasing employment
DETE Start Date LengthofServiceOverall. Overall Length of Service at Institute (in years)
Age CurrentAge. Current Age
Gender Gender. What is your Gender?

Notably, DETE Start Date and LengthofServiceOverall are matching columns because one can tell how long the employee has been working based on the date when they first started working.

We want to make the column names the same between the two datasets.

Before we do that, we will simplify the names in DETE.

dete.columns = (
    .str.lower() # All lowercase
    .str.strip() # Remove whitespace on sides
    .str.replace(" ", "_") # Replace spaces with underscores

Index(['id', 'separationtype', 'cease_date', 'dete_start_date',
       'role_start_date', 'position', 'classification', 'region',
       'business_unit', 'employment_status', 'career_move_to_public_sector',
       'career_move_to_private_sector', 'interpersonal_conflicts',
       'job_dissatisfaction', 'dissatisfaction_with_the_department',
       'physical_work_environment', 'lack_of_recognition',
       'lack_of_job_security', 'work_location', 'employment_conditions',
       'maternity/family', 'relocation', 'study/travel', 'ill_health',
       'traumatic_incident', 'work_life_balance', 'workload',
       'none_of_the_above', 'gender', 'age', 'aboriginal', 'torres_strait',
       'south_sea', 'disability', 'nesb'],

The DETE columns have been simplified.

Next, we will change some of the TAFE column labels to match the ones in the DETE dataset.

new_columns = {
    'Record ID': 'id',
    'CESSATION YEAR': 'cease_date',
    'Reason for ceasing employment': 'separationtype',
    'Gender. What is your Gender?': 'gender',
    'CurrentAge. Current Age': 'age',
    'Employment Type. Employment Type': 'employment_status',
    'Classification. Classification': 'position',
    'LengthofServiceOverall. Overall Length of Service at Institute (in years)': 'institute_service',
    'LengthofServiceCurrent. Length of Service at current workplace (in years)': 'role_service',

tafe = tafe.rename(
    axis = 1,

 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector ',
 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector ',
 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment',
 'Contributing Factors. Ill Health',
 'Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family',
 'Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction',
 'Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction',
 'Contributing Factors. Interpersonal Conflict',
 'Contributing Factors. Study',
 'Contributing Factors. Travel',
 'Contributing Factors. Other',
 'Contributing Factors. NONE',

The Contributing Factors columns’ names haven’t been changed yet, but this will be dealt with later.

Identifying Employees who Resigned

The DETE and TAFE exit surveys were given to all employees who left the institutions. Some of them were terminated from employment, some resigned, and some retired.

The goal of this project is to find out why employees resigned. Thus, we have to find out who resigned, and drop the data for the rest.

Let’s do this for the DETE dataset first. The separationtype column explains the reason why the employee ceased to work at the institution. What values does this column contain?

Age Retirement                          285
Resignation-Other reasons               150
Resignation-Other employer               91
Resignation-Move overseas/interstate     70
Voluntary Early Retirement (VER)         67
Ill Health Retirement                    61
Other                                    49
Contract Expired                         34
Termination                              15
Name: separationtype, dtype: int64

It looks like the values that are relevant to us are the ones that start with “Resignation.” We’ll keep the rows which indicate resignation and drop the rest.

dete = dete.loc[
    # Check if the string starts with "Resignation."

(311, 35)

After we dropped non-resignation rows, the DETE dataset was left with 311 rows.

Next, we’ll do the same for the TAFE dataset. What are the values in its separationtype column?

Resignation                 340
Contract Expired            127
Retrenchment/ Redundancy    104
Retirement                   82
Transfer                     25
Termination                  23
Name: separationtype, dtype: int64

This time, there is only one value which indicates resignation. We’ll use that to identify the rows to keep.

tafe = tafe.loc[
    # Check if the value is "Resignation."
    tafe["separationtype"] == "Resignation"

(340, 23)

Dropping rows resulted in having 340 rows left in the TAFE dataset.

Now, both datasets have been narrowed down to data about employees who intentionally left the institutions.

Date Columns

Next, we’ll clean and inspect date columns. Specifically, these are:

  • DETE dataset
    • dete_start_date: The date when the employee started to work at DETE.
    • cease_date: The date when the employee ceased to work at DETE.
  • TAFE dataset
    • cease_date: The date when the employee ceased to work at TAFE.

Let’s start with DETE’s cease_date. What are its values?

2012       126
2013        74
01/2014     22
12/2013     17
06/2013     14
09/2013     11
07/2013      9
11/2013      9
10/2013      6
08/2013      4
05/2012      2
05/2013      2
07/2012      1
2010         1
09/2010      1
07/2006      1
Name: cease_date, dtype: int64

We can see that some values only contain years, and others state a month before the year. Since we can’t assume the month for entries without one, we will remove all of the months. Only the years will remain, and we will store them as numerical data.

dete["cease_date"] = (
    .str.extract("(20[0-1][0-9])") # Extract year using a regular expression
    .astype(np.float64) # Turn years into decimals

2006.0      1
2010.0      2
2012.0    129
2013.0    146
2014.0     22
Name: cease_date, dtype: int64

The DETE cease_date column now only contains year values. These range from 2006 to 2014.

Next, let’s look at DETE’s dete_start_date column.

1963     1
1971     1
1972     1
1973     1
1974     2
1975     1
1976     2
1977     1
1980     5
1982     1
1983     2
1984     1
1985     3
1986     3
1987     1
1988     4
1989     4
1990     5
1991     4
1992     6
1993     5
1994     6
1995     4
1996     6
1997     5
1998     6
1999     8
2000     9
2001     3
2002     6
2003     6
2004    14
2005    15
2006    13
2007    21
2008    22
2009    13
2010    17
2011    24
2012    21
2013    10
Name: dete_start_date, dtype: int64

The column contains only years, no months, so it is quite clean. Most of the values are from 2004 to 2013. The years in the late 1900’s don’t seem like outliers because there are many values spread throughout those years.

It also makes sense that there are no dete_start_date values after 2014, since the latest cease_date is 2014.

There’s no need to clean this column, but let’s convert it to numerical data for consistency.

dete["dete_start_date"] = dete["dete_start_date"].astype(np.float64)

Lastly, let’s look at the TAFE dataset’s cease_date column.

2009.0      2
2010.0     68
2011.0    116
2012.0     94
2013.0     55
Name: cease_date, dtype: int64

The data here looks like it’s already clean. The years are expressed as decimals, and there are no outliers to clean up. This column won’t be changed.

The TAFE cease_date years range from 2009 to 2013. DETE’s cease_date values range from 2006 to 2014. Therefore, both datasets give information about roughly the same period in time.

Years of Service

Remember that one of the goals of the project is to compare dissatisfaction rates between resignees who had worked for a short time and those who had worked for a longer time. Thus, we need to know how many years of service each employee has had.

The TAFE dataset already has a column called institute_service which gives information on this.

1-2                   64
11-20                 26
3-4                   63
5-6                   33
7-10                  21
Less than 1 year      73
More than 20 years    10
Name: institute_service, dtype: int64

These values are somewhat difficult to use since these indicate ranges of years of service. This will be dealt with later, but for now, we have to make a matching column in the DETE dataset.

In order to do this, we will subtract dete_start_date from cease_date. This will result in the number of years that each employee has spent working at DETE. The new column will be called institute_service like in the TAFE dataset.

dete["institute_service"] = dete["cease_date"] - dete["dete_start_date"]

dete["institute_service"].value_counts(bins = 10)
(-0.05, 4.9]    92
(4.9, 9.8]      75
(9.8, 14.7]     30
(14.7, 19.6]    26
(19.6, 24.5]    24
(24.5, 29.4]     8
(29.4, 34.3]     8
(34.3, 39.2]     7
(39.2, 44.1]     2
(44.1, 49.0]     1
Name: institute_service, dtype: int64

It can be seen that DETE employees’ years of service range from under 4.9 to over 44.1. Let’s view the distribution in a histogram.

    data = dete,
    x = "institute_service",

plt.title("DETE Employees' Years of Service")
plt.xlabel("Years of Service")

The distribution is right-skewed. Most employees who resigned had worked at DETE for under 10 years.

“Contributing Factors” Columns

The Contributing Factors columns are about factors which may have influenced the employee’s choice to resign. In the TAFE dataset, these columns have hyphen ("-") values. This leads us to wonder what they represent, and whether or not we have to clean them.

Let’s look at column 5, one of the columns with hyphens.

tafe.iloc[:, 5].value_counts(dropna = False)
-                              284
Career Move - Public Sector     48
NaN                              8
Name: Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector , dtype: int64

Most of the values are hyphens. The rest are null values or "Career Move - Public Sector".

We can infer that the Contributing Factors group of columns represent options in a checkbox item in the survey. That’s why each column only has 2 valid values:

  • "-" means that the option was not selected.
  • "Career Move - Public Sector" means that the option was selected.

Thus, we can change the values in column 5 into True (selected) and False (not selected) for ease of use.

# Define a function to be applied to the column.
def identify_selection(value):
    if pd.isnull(value):
        return np.nan
        return value != "-"

# Apply the function elementwise.
tafe.iloc[:, 5] = tafe.iloc[:, 5].apply(identify_selection)

tafe.iloc[:, 5].value_counts(dropna = False)
False    284
True      48
NaN        8
Name: Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector , dtype: int64

Now, the column only has True, False, and NaN values.

Let us apply this transformaton to the entire group of “Contributing Factors” columns (5 to 16).

tafe.iloc[:, 6:17] = tafe.iloc[:, 6:17].applymap(identify_selection)

tafe.iloc[:, 5:17].head()
Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment Contributing Factors. Ill Health Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction Contributing Factors. Interpersonal Conflict Contributing Factors. Study Contributing Factors. Travel Contributing Factors. Other Contributing Factors. NONE
3 False False False False False False False False False True False False
4 False True False False False False False False False False False False
5 False False False False False False False False False False True False
6 False True False False True False False False False False True False
7 False False False False False False False False False False True False

Since these columns are now boolean columns, these will be easier to use in analysis.

It is worth noting that what we did matches the format used for Contributing Factors columns in DETE:

dete.iloc[:5, 10:28]
career_move_to_public_sector career_move_to_private_sector interpersonal_conflicts job_dissatisfaction dissatisfaction_with_the_department physical_work_environment lack_of_recognition lack_of_job_security work_location employment_conditions maternity/family relocation study/travel ill_health traumatic_incident work_life_balance workload none_of_the_above
3 False True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False
5 False True False False False False False False False True True False False False False False False False
8 False True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False
9 False False True True True False False False False False False False False False False False False False
11 False False False False False False False False False False True True False False False False False False

Thus, we will be able to use similar techniques to identify dissatisfaction in both datasets.

Identifying Dissatisfaction

This project focuses on employees who resigned due to dissatisfaction with their work at the government institute. Thus, we have to identify which employees were dissatisfied.

In the TAFE dataset, the following columns indicate dissatisfaction:

  • Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction
  • Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction

We will create a new dissatisfaction column. It will be a boolean column that contains True if at least 1 of the above columns has a value of True.

tafe["dissatisfaction"] = (
        "Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction",
        "Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction",
    .any(axis = 1, skipna = False)

tafe["dissatisfaction"].value_counts(dropna = False)
False    241
True      99
Name: dissatisfaction, dtype: int64

It looks like 91 employees in the TAFE dataset resigned due to dissatisfaction.

As for the DETE dataset, there are many relevant columns.

  • job_dissatisfaction
  • dissatisfaction_with_the_department
  • physical_work_environment
  • lack_of_recognition
  • lack_of_job_security
  • work_location
  • employment_conditions
  • work_life_balance
  • workload

Remember that in the survey, these phrases were options in a checkbox item asking why the employee left. A True value in any of these columns means that the employee considered it a reason why he/she resigned.

We will create a new dissatisfaction column in the DETE dataset in the same way as we did for the TAFE dataset. If at least 1 of the above columns is True, the corresponding value in the new column will be True.

dete["dissatisfaction"] = (
        'physical_work_environment', 'lack_of_recognition',
    .any(axis = 1, skipna = False)

dete["dissatisfaction"].value_counts(dropna = False)
False    162
True     149
Name: dissatisfaction, dtype: int64

The results show that 149 of DETE employees who resigned had been dissatisfied.

Combining DETE and TAFE

At this point, the data cleaning we’ve done is sufficient for us to combine the two datasets. We will stack them vertically; they will share columns with identical names.

We will still need to be able to differentiate between DETE and TAFE employees, so we will indicate this in a new column.

In the DETE dataset, the new institute column will contain the string "DETE".

dete["institute"] = "DETE"

3     DETE
5     DETE
8     DETE
9     DETE
11    DETE
Name: institute, dtype: object

The value in the TAFE dataset will be "TAFE".

tafe["institute"] = "TAFE"

3    TAFE
4    TAFE
5    TAFE
6    TAFE
7    TAFE
Name: institute, dtype: object

Let’s now concatenate the 2 datasets vertically.

combined = pd.concat(
    [dete, tafe],
    axis = 0, # Vertical concatenation
    ignore_index = True,

(651, 53)
id separationtype cease_date dete_start_date role_start_date position classification region business_unit employment_status ... Contributing Factors. Ill Health Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction Contributing Factors. Interpersonal Conflict Contributing Factors. Study Contributing Factors. Travel Contributing Factors. Other Contributing Factors. NONE role_service
0 4.0 Resignation-Other reasons 2012.0 2005.0 2006 Teacher Primary Central Queensland NaN Permanent Full-time ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 6.0 Resignation-Other reasons 2012.0 1994.0 1997 Guidance Officer NaN Central Office Education Queensland Permanent Full-time ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 9.0 Resignation-Other reasons 2012.0 2009.0 2009 Teacher Secondary North Queensland NaN Permanent Full-time ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 10.0 Resignation-Other employer 2012.0 1997.0 2008 Teacher Aide NaN NaN NaN Permanent Part-time ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 12.0 Resignation-Move overseas/interstate 2012.0 2009.0 2009 Teacher Secondary Far North Queensland NaN Permanent Full-time ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 53 columns

The combined dataset has 651 rows (employees) and 53 columns.

Given our research questions, the most important columns to keep are institute_service, age, and dissatisfaction. We would only keep the other columns if we wanted to group the employees on certain characteristics.

Thus, we will remove columns that have under 500 non-null values. These columns wouldn’t have enough useful information for us to use.

    axis = 1,
    thresh = 500,
    inplace = True,

(651, 10)
id separationtype cease_date position employment_status gender age institute_service dissatisfaction institute
0 4.0 Resignation-Other reasons 2012.0 Teacher Permanent Full-time Female 36-40 7.0 False DETE
1 6.0 Resignation-Other reasons 2012.0 Guidance Officer Permanent Full-time Female 41-45 18.0 True DETE
2 9.0 Resignation-Other reasons 2012.0 Teacher Permanent Full-time Female 31-35 3.0 False DETE
3 10.0 Resignation-Other employer 2012.0 Teacher Aide Permanent Part-time Female 46-50 15.0 True DETE
4 12.0 Resignation-Move overseas/interstate 2012.0 Teacher Permanent Full-time Male 31-35 3.0 False DETE

Only 10 columns were left in the dataset. The 3 most important columns were kept, along with a few columns about useful demographic data.

Cleaning Age Data

One of the goals of this project involves the age data. Thus, we need to ensure that this data is clean.

Let us view the unique values in the column.

20 or younger    10
21  25           33
21-25            29
26  30           32
26-30            35
31  35           32
31-35            29
36  40           32
36-40            41
41  45           45
41-45            48
46  50           39
46-50            42
51-55            71
56 or older      29
56-60            26
61 or older      23
Name: age, dtype: int64

We can see that:

  • All values represent a range of ages.
  • Some have hyphens, and others have spaces.
  • A few are phrases that say “or younger” or “or older.”

Therefore, we will clean the data by defining the following function and applying it elementwise to the column:

def fix_age(text):
    if pd.isnull(text):
        result = np.nan
    elif "  " in text:
        result = text.replace("  ", "-")
    elif text in ["56-60", "61 or older"]:
        result = "56 or older"
        result = text

    return result

combined["age"] = combined["age"].apply(fix_age)

20 or younger    10
21-25            62
26-30            67
31-35            61
36-40            73
41-45            93
46-50            81
51-55            71
56 or older      78
Name: age, dtype: int64

Now, the values in the age column are consistent.

Categorizing Years of Service

Remember that DETE and TAFE differed in the format of their institute_service columns:

  • DETE had decimal numbers representing the number of years.
  • TAFE had strings, each of which represented a range of years.

We could take the TAFE ranges and replace them with the middle value of each range. However, this would make the data inaccurate.

Instead, we will transform the data to become more general. We’ll group the data into categories which represent ranges of years. This will apply to the entire institute_service column in the combined dataset.

The article “Age is Just a Number: Engage Employees by Career Stage, Too” states that employee engagement can be better understood in the context of career stage, i.e., the number of years working at the company. Career stage influences an employee’s work attitude and virtues that they value in the workplace.

We can also say that career stage influences employees’ decisions to resign. The most obvious example of this is that a new employee isn’t very invested in the company and would be more likely to leave due to initial dissatisfaction.

The article gives the following 4 career stages:

  • Newbie (0 to 3 years)
  • Sophomore (3 to 7 years)
  • Tenured (7 to 11 years)
  • Sage (11 or more years)

We will use the above career stages as categories in the institute_service column. But first, we have to be prepared for what kinds of values we will have to transform.

array([7.0, 18.0, 3.0, 15.0, 14.0, 5.0, nan, 30.0, 32.0, 39.0, 17.0, 9.0,
       6.0, 1.0, 35.0, 38.0, 36.0, 19.0, 4.0, 26.0, 10.0, 8.0, 2.0, 0.0,
       23.0, 13.0, 16.0, 12.0, 21.0, 20.0, 24.0, 33.0, 22.0, 28.0, 49.0,
       11.0, 41.0, 27.0, 42.0, 25.0, 29.0, 34.0, 31.0, '3-4', '7-10',
       '1-2', 'Less than 1 year', '11-20', '5-6', 'More than 20 years'],

The values above include:

  • Decimal numbers
  • A range of years ("x-y")
  • A phrase describing a range of years ("Less than x years")

Extracting Numbers

Based on the values present, we will extract the number of years using the regular expression ([0-9]{1,2}). This will capture the first 1 or 2 digit whole number in a string.

  • For decimals, the part of the number before the decimal point will be extracted.
  • For ranges of years, the minimum year will be extracted.
  • For phrases, the first number to appear will be extracted.
combined["service_num"] = (
    .astype(str) # Convert to strings.
    .str.extract("([0-9]{1,2})") # Extract 1 or 2-digit number.
    .astype(np.float64) # Convert to decimals.

array([ 7., 18.,  3., 15., 14.,  5., nan, 30., 32., 39., 17.,  9.,  6.,
        1., 35., 38., 36., 19.,  4., 26., 10.,  8.,  2.,  0., 23., 13.,
       16., 12., 21., 20., 24., 33., 22., 28., 49., 11., 41., 27., 42.,
       25., 29., 34., 31.])

This worked for the decimals, as seen below. The initial and final values are identical.

    ["institute_service", "service_num"]
institute_service service_num
0 7.0 7.0
1 18.0 18.0
2 3.0 3.0
3 15.0 15.0
4 3.0 3.0

We can tell that this worked for the ranges because the minimum value was extracted. For example, for "3-4", the number 3 was extracted.

    ["institute_service", "service_num"]
institute_service service_num
312 3-4 3.0
313 7-10 7.0
314 3-4 3.0
315 3-4 3.0
316 3-4 3.0

It also worked for the phrases, as seen below. The number in the phrase was extracted.

    ["institute_service", "service_num"]
institute_service service_num
318 Less than 1 year 1.0
329 Less than 1 year 1.0
332 More than 20 years 20.0
333 Less than 1 year 1.0
334 Less than 1 year 1.0

Mapping Numbers to Categories

Now that we have numbers, we can map them to the career stages mentioned earlier:

  • Newbie (0 to 3 years)
  • Sophomore (3 to 7 years)
  • Tenured (7 to 11 years)
  • Sage (11 or more years)

We’ll do this by defining a function then applying it elementwise to the column.

# Function that returns career stage based on number of years.
def career_stage(years):
    if pd.isnull(years):
        stage = np.nan
    elif years < 3.0:
        stage = "Newbie"
    elif years < 7.0:
        stage = "Sophomore"
    elif years < 11.0:
        stage = "Tenured"
    elif years >= 11.0:
        stage = "Sage"
    return stage

# Apply the function elementwise and make a new column.
combined["service_cat"] = combined["service_num"].apply(career_stage)

Newbie       193
Sophomore    172
Sage         136
Tenured       62
Name: service_cat, dtype: int64

The results show that most of the employees who resigned were Newbies.

Data cleaning is now complete, so we can go to data analysis.

Data Analysis

Dissatisfaction by Age Group

First, we can investigate the dissatisfaction rates of resignees by their age group.

# Drop missing values in specific columns.
df = combined.dropna(subset = ["dissatisfaction", "age"]).copy()

# Cast booleans to integers.
df["dissatisfaction"] = df["dissatisfaction"].astype(int)

table_3 = df.pivot_table(
    values = ["dissatisfaction"],
    index = ["age"],
    aggfunc = np.mean, # Mean will determine the percentage of True values. True is 1; False is 0.

age dissatisfaction
0 20 or younger 0.200000
1 21-25 0.306452
2 26-30 0.417910
3 31-35 0.377049
4 36-40 0.342466
5 41-45 0.376344
6 46-50 0.382716
7 51-55 0.422535
8 56 or older 0.423077

This table is visualized in the bar graph below.

    data = table_3,
    x = "age",
    y = "dissatisfaction",
    estimator = np.mean,
    ci = None,

plt.title("Dissatisfaction Rates of Resignees by Age Group")
plt.xlabel("Age Group")
plt.ylabel("Percentage of Resignees who were Dissatisfied")
plt.xticks(rotation = 30, ha = "right")

Notably, the dissatisfaction rate is:

  • Lowest (20%) among resignees aged 20 or younger.
  • Above 30% among resignees aged 21 or older.
  • Highest (42%) among resignees aged 56 or older, 51-55, or 26-30.

Let’s group the data further using the institute (DETE or TAFE).

table_4 = df.pivot_table(
    values = ["dissatisfaction"],
    index = ["age", "institute"],
    aggfunc = np.mean, # Mean will determine the percentage of True values. True is 1; False is 0.

age institute dissatisfaction
0 20 or younger DETE 0.000000
1 20 or younger TAFE 0.222222
2 21-25 DETE 0.310345
3 21-25 TAFE 0.303030
4 26-30 DETE 0.571429
5 26-30 TAFE 0.250000
6 31-35 DETE 0.551724
7 31-35 TAFE 0.218750
8 36-40 DETE 0.390244
9 36-40 TAFE 0.281250
10 41-45 DETE 0.479167
11 41-45 TAFE 0.266667
12 46-50 DETE 0.452381
13 46-50 TAFE 0.307692
14 51-55 DETE 0.593750
15 51-55 TAFE 0.282051
16 56 or older DETE 0.551020
17 56 or older TAFE 0.206897

The table is visualized in the bar graph below.

    data = table_4,
    x = "age",
    y = "dissatisfaction",
    hue = "institute",
    estimator = np.mean,
    ci = None,

plt.title("Dissatisfaction Rates of Resignees by Age Group")
plt.xlabel("Age Group")
plt.ylabel("Percentage of Resignees who were Dissatisfied")
plt.xticks(rotation = 30, ha = "right")

We can see that employees of DETE generally had much higher dissatisfaction rates than employees of TAFE across all age groups.

The exception is the “20 or younger” age group, which has a 0% dissatisfaction rate for DETE employees. However, this is due to the fact that only one resignee from DETE was 20 years old or younger.

    .loc[combined["institute"] == "DETE", "age"]
20 or younger     1
21-25            29
26-30            35
31-35            29
36-40            41
41-45            48
46-50            42
51-55            32
56 or older      49
Name: age, dtype: int64

Thus, we can generally say that the dissatisfaction rate was much higher among DETE resignees compared to TAFE resignees.

Also, the peak dissatisfaction rates occurred in age groups around 26-30 years old and 51-55 years old for both institutes.

Dissatisfaction by Career Stage

Next, we will determine what percentage of the resignees was dissatisfied with work based on career stage.

# Drop missing values in specific columns.
df = combined.dropna(subset = ["dissatisfaction", "service_cat"]).copy()

# Cast booleans to integers.
df["dissatisfaction"] = df["dissatisfaction"].astype(int)

table_1 = df.pivot_table(
    values = ["dissatisfaction"],
    index = ["service_cat"],
    aggfunc = np.mean, # Mean will determine the percentage of True values. True is 1; False is 0.

service_cat dissatisfaction
0 Newbie 0.295337
1 Sage 0.485294
2 Sophomore 0.343023
3 Tenured 0.516129

The table is visualized in the figure below.

    data = table_1,
    x = "service_cat",
    y = "dissatisfaction",
    estimator = np.mean,
    ci = None,

plt.title("Dissatisfaction Rates of Resignees by Career Stage")
plt.xlabel("Career Stage")
plt.ylabel("Percentage of Resignees who were Dissatisfied")
plt.xticks(rotation = 0)

Interestingly, the dissatisfaction rate is highest (around 50%) within the Tenured and Sage groups of resignees. This is surprising since these are the groups of employees who have been working at the institute for the longest time.

One explanation could be that they became dissatisfied because they spent so much time at the company without career growth or without sufficient variety in their work.

Next, we can group the data further by the specific institute of the employees:

table_2 = df.pivot_table(
    values = ["dissatisfaction"],
    index = ["service_cat", "institute"], # Group on institute too
    aggfunc = np.mean,

service_cat institute dissatisfaction
0 Newbie DETE 0.375000
1 Newbie TAFE 0.262774
2 Sage DETE 0.560000
3 Sage TAFE 0.277778
4 Sophomore DETE 0.460526
5 Sophomore TAFE 0.250000
6 Tenured DETE 0.609756
7 Tenured TAFE 0.333333

This table is visualized below.

    data = table_2,
    x = "service_cat",
    y = "dissatisfaction",
    hue = "institute",
    estimator = np.mean,
    ci = None,

plt.title("Dissatisfaction Rates of Resignees by Career Stage")
plt.xlabel("Career Stage")
plt.ylabel("Percentage of Resignees who were Dissatisfied")
plt.xticks(rotation = 0)

The chart shows that the trend is generally consistent between DETE and TAFE. Tenured and Sage resignees have a higher dissatisfaction rate than other groups.

However, it looks like the dissatisfaction rates in DETE are also much higher than the rates in TAFE. It can be said that dissatisfaction influences the resignation of a greater percentage of people in DETE than it does in TAFE.


In this project, we worked with 2 datasets of employee exit survey data from the DETE and TAFE government institutes in Australia. We cleaned, transformed, and combined these datasets. Then, we analyzed dissatisfaction rates of resignees based on age and based on career stage.

We found the following notable points:

  • Dissatisfaction rate was highest among resignees in age groups around 26-30 years old and 51-55 years old for both institutes.
  • Dissatisfaction rate was highest among resignees who had been working at the institute for over 7 years.
  • The dissatisfaction rate was much higher among DETE resignees compared to TAFE resignees. This may have to do with the nature or conditions of the work of DETE employees.

Thanks for reading!